What’s the Deal With Super Trendy Delta 8 THC?
It was bound to happen. The day when scientists began to find and study newer cannabinoids and their functions compared to cannabis’ now-famous compounds, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Sure enough, the day is here! But does Delta-8 THC get you high? And where is Delta-8 for sale?
People everywhere are talking about the latest interest in Delta-8 THC. For good reason, too. The legalized hemp compound can do wonders for those without access to cannabis or simply seeking alternative options without all the high or stigma. Let’s explore the trendy cannabinoid to learn what all the fuss is about, if it may be able to help you and where you can find it.
Delta-8 THC
Technically, Delta-8 THC is a degraded version of THC and occurs in cannabis in minor concentrations but it doesn’t qualify as a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The hemp compound comes in a variety of forms including tinctures, gummies, flower, vapes and more. For those looking for the benefits of a CBD-infused product minus the enhanced “high” and potential effects of THC, Delta-8 THC products may be the perfect cannabinoid product for you!
Does Delta-8 THC Get You High?
As we learned above, it’s complicated. Legally, that is. Put simply, yes, Delta-8 THC can induce a psychoactive effect for some users similar to that of the cannabis you find in dispensaries or grow at home. It’s just not as intense, say researchers and consumers.
Think of it as the non-alcoholic beer of weed. While non-alcoholic beers market heavily on the word “non”, readers may be surprised to know that they still contain trace amounts of alcohol, just often less than .5%. Still, you get the point. While regulated cannabis can contain THC levels surpassing the 20% mark, Delta-8 THC holds just 1% of the compound.
Are There Benefits to Using Delta-8 THC
A 1987 study even discovered an increase of acetylcholine in the brain of mice with Delta-8. Plus, according to Brooke Burgstahler, from Marijuana Morning News, it’s ideal because it’s a high without paranoia Sounds enticing! So, where can you find this popular new compound, you ask? Go Green Botanicals, of course.
Where Can I Find Delta-8 THC for sale?
The team at Go Green Botanicals is made up of health and wellness advocates for the community through natural remedies. And guess what? Delta-8 THC is a legal, natural remedy that you may wish to explore instead of the stronger, more popular version of the compound, THC. We carry an array of hemp and Delta-8 THC products at our shop in San Antonio, Texas, as well as on our online CBD shop for you to explore.
Some of our Favorites Include:
1. Rice Krispy Treats
Containing 50 mg of Delta-8 THC, thought to be enough to relax you while also quenching your sweet tooth, these treats have a homemade style, look and taste with zero hemp flavor. Comes in krispy rice cereal and fruity cereal options. Grab yours now as they’ve just become available on the website!
2. Watermelon D-8 Gummies
Not only are these babies vegan and contain 400 mg of Delta-8 THC per package, they are also the perfect flavor for the coming summer months! However, while the flavor favors summer months, the gummies themselves don’t do too well in hotter climates, For this reason, it’s important to think about temperature control, especially when traveling. Most consumers opt to keep their gummies in the refrigerator or freezer, safely away from minors, of course.
3. Delta-8 THC Oil
Go Green Botanical’s Delta-8 THC 600 mg tincture contains full-spectrum hemp extract with Delta 8 THC, other cannabinoids and terpenes for maximum effectiveness. Some report a more earthy taste due to the natural terpenes, so be aware if you’re not into that. Tinctures are great for people on the go, those sugar or calorie conscious or those who simply prefer sublingual as their method of consumption.
As with all edibles and hemp-derived products, it is important to consult with a health professional and to consume on a full stomach if possible. This will help your body’s endocannabinoid system function more optimally and, likely you will also have a more fulfilling experience, too. Also make sure you find Delta-8 for sale from a reputable company.