Call Your Senator on Prohibitive Language in HB 3948
HB 3948 was heard and voted favorably out of the Senate Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on May 18th. This version would allow a department like the Department of Health and Human Services to determine what is considered to be synthetically derived and if it has an intoxicating effect.
See prohibitive language below that could threaten our industry:
Sec.443.006. TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL CONTENT. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person may not process, manufacture, possess, transport, sell, or purchase a consumable hemp product in this state that:
(1) has a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis;
(2) that contains synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols, as defined by department rule, including synthetically derived acids, isomers, or salts of tetrahydrocannabinol;
(3) in the form and quantity as packaged for consumer use, is reasonably determined by the department to have an intoxicating effect;
(4) exceeds any federal limit for tetrahydrocannabinol; or
(5) consists of dry hemp plant material or another consumable hemp product if additional tetrahydrocannabinol in a concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis has been applied to the product’s surface.
(b) Chapter 481 prevails to the extent of any conflict with this section.
How can you help? CALL YOUR SENATOR and the BILL AUTHOR to express your concerns. Click here to see the names and phone numbers who represent you. Click here for information on the Senate Bill author.
See this example for your phone call:
Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] calling from [CITY]. I’d like to speak with someone about newly adopted committee substitute for HB 3948 that would ban certain hemp derived products?
I’m calling to express my concern with the committee substitute that passed out of the committee that would allow a department like the Department of Health and Human Services to determine what is considered to be synthetically derived and if it has an intoxicating effect. This addition to the legislation could effect numerous jobs, our economy and new industry. With new cannabinoids being discovered daily, we do not want to tie the hands of our industry by setting a precedent that has not yet to be set by the federal government. We would lose thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of revenue. This product is hemp derived and benefits many businesses and consumers.
Will you please send my concerns to the Senator? Thank you and have a nice day.
We ask that you stay respectful and professional as you call offices.
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About Go Green Botanicals
We are a health and wellness advocate for the community through natural remedies. At Go Green Botanicals CBD shop in Texas, we want to be recognized as an asset to our communities by bringing the highest quality CBD products at the best price, when our customers request it. We want to be a resource for information and education on cannabidiol CBD products and its benefits for individuals who seek to take ownership of their health and wellness.
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